Just doing a little experimentation lately, trying out a few new things. Attempting a new endeavor is challenging enough, but I've upped the ante by trying to do it all on the cheap. Free, that is. I'm messing around with a Joomla content management system that is not only open source (read: free), but also hosted for free. Of course, this creates some limitations that must be worked around, but it's interesting to see what can be done for no further investment (other than my valuable time). This Blogger site is free and my new Flickr photo site is free. The trade-off is a rather less-than-seamless integration of the sites and a limited capacity for customization, but whaddya want for nothin'? Rubber biscuit? Besides, I haven't really figured out exactly what I want to do with all of this, anyway. Somehow, blogging just seems to be the thing to do, and I'm nothing if not trendy. |